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One of:Cheatsheets:Identity and Access Management (IAM)


1. Key Concepts

Concept Description Example
Realm Logical container for users, apps, roles, and settings. dev-realm, prod-realm.
Client Applications/service integrated with Keycloak (OIDC or SAML). Web App, Mobile App.
Users Real people/entities logging in or represented in Keycloak. Employees, Vendors, API Consumers.
Roles A set of defined permissions assigned to users/groups. Admin, Manager, Viewer.
Groups Organized collection of users to apply roles or settings collectively. Admins Group, Employees, Engineers.
Identity Provider External authentication sources integrated with Keycloak. Google, Microsoft AD, GitHub.
Federation Connecting Keycloak to existing external user stores (LDAP, Active Directory). Use existing company's Active Directory for login.
Authentication Log-in mechanism defining custom requirements like OTP, password complexity, and multifactor. OTP-based flows, custom authentication methods.

2. Keycloak Architecture

Below is an diagram showing how Keycloak interacts with various IAM components:

          |    External IdPs    |
          | (Google, Facebook)  |
|                  Keycloak IAM          |
|  Realms                                 |
|  - Manage: Users, Tokens, Apps         |
|  - Handle: Authentication Flows, Themes|
|                                        |
|  User Federation                       |
|  Identity Providers (SSO, Social Login)|
        |                         |
+----------------+         +----------------+
| Front-End App  |         |  Backend/API   |
|  (OIDC Login)  |         |  Secured API   |
+----------------+         +----------------+

3. Keycloak Protocols Overview

Protocol Use Case Endpoints (Examples) Notes
OIDC Modern apps, Web APIs /auth/realms/{realm}/protocol/openid-connect/auth Built on OAuth2; popular for interacting with RESTful APIs.
/auth/realms/{realm}/protocol/openid-connect/token Supports JWT for secure API communication.
/auth/realms/{realm}/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo Provides user profile/claims.
SAML Enterprise, Legacy Apps /auth/realms/{realm}/protocol/saml XML-based auth for apps and SaaS where SAML is preferred.

Token Lifecycle (OIDC)

User Login ->
   -> Access Token [short lifespan]
   -> Refresh Token [medium-lived]
   -> ID Token
Token Type Use Case Validity
Access Token Authorizes APIs/resources. Short-lived (e.g., 5-10 mins).
Refresh Token Get a new access token when the current expires. Medium-lived (e.g., 30 mins).
ID Token Confirms user identity during authentication. Same lifespan as Access Token.

4. Managing Users, Groups, and Roles

User Management Commands (REST API)

Action Command/Endpoint
Create User POST /auth/admin/realms/{realm}/users ({username, email, enabled} in body).
List Users GET /auth/admin/realms/{realm}/users.
Update User Info PUT /auth/admin/realms/{realm}/users/{id} (JSON payload to modify attributes).
Disable a User PUT /auth/admin/realms/{realm}/users/{id} (enabled: false in JSON payload).

Group Management Example Commands

Action Command/Endpoint
List Groups GET /auth/admin/realms/{realm}/groups.
Create a Group POST /auth/admin/realms/{realm}/groups (name in request body).
Add User to Group PUT /auth/admin/realms/{realm}/users/{userId}/groups/{groupId}.
Delete Group DELETE /auth/admin/realms/{realm}/groups/{groupId}.

Role Management

Action Command/Endpoint
List All Roles GET /auth/admin/realms/{realm}/roles.
Assign Role to User POST /auth/admin/realms/{realm}/users/{userId}/role-mappings/realm (JSON body with roles).
Delete User’s Role DELETE /auth/admin/realms/{realm}/users/{userId}/role-mappings/realm (Specify roleName).

5. Keycloak Admin CLI (


# Login to Keycloak
./ config credentials --server http://localhost:8080/auth --realm master \
  --user admin --password admin

Realm Management

Command Description
create realms Create a new realm.
get realms Get details of all realms.
delete realms/{realm-name} Delete a specific realm.


./ create realms -s realm=my-test-realm -s enabled=true

User Commands (CLI)

Command Description
create users -r {realm} Create a new user in the realm.
get users -r {realm} Retrieve all users in the realm.
update users/{user-id} -r {realm} Modify user details.


# Create a new user
./ create users -r my-realm -s username=newuser -s -s enabled=true

6. API Endpoints

OpenID Connect Example (Token Exchange)

# Exchange credentials for tokens
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/my-realm/protocol/openid-connect/token" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
  -d "client_id=my-client" \
  -d "client_secret=my-secret" \
  -d "username=myuser" \
  -d "password=mypassword" \
  -d "grant_type=password"

Key Authentication Flows

Flow Purpose Applicable APIs
Password Grant Basic username-password logins. /protocol/openid-connect/token (grant_type=password).
Authorization Code Interactive browser SSO flows. /protocol/openid-connect/auth (initiates flow) /token (exchanges codes).
Logout Flow Logs out user and invalidates tokens. /protocol/openid-connect/logout.

7. Authentication Customization

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Steps to Enable:

  1. Navigate to “Authentication” → Select Browser flow under “Flows.”
  2. Add "OTP Form" to after “Username/Password.”
  3. Configure OTP Type (Time-Based/Counter-Based) under "Authentication Config."

Diagram for Custom Auth Flows:

Login →
   → Username Input →
      → Password Verification →
         → OTP Authentication →
            → Successful Login.

8. Security Best Practices

Aspect Best Practice
HTTPS Everywhere Always use SSL/TLS for all Keycloak instances.
Strong Passwords Enforce password policies and use multi-factor authentication (MFA).
Token Expiry Keep lifecycle of access/refresh tokens short to minimize misuse.
Roles and Permissions Use fine-grained roles to prevent over-permissioning users.
Monitor Events Logs Enable logging (admin log events) to track failed attempts and suspicious activity.

9. Themes and Customization

Customize Login Pages:

  1. Navigate to Themes → Set a custom theme folder for login UI.
  2. Implement HTML/CSS changes in the folder specified under the standalone theme directory.
Resource Path
Login Page Theme /themes/{your-theme}/login/theme.ftl.
Email Templates /themes/{your-theme}/email/template.ftl.