WEP [1]
- RC4 stream cipher
- 40-128 bit
- Initialization Vector (IV)
- Vunerable to brute-force attacks
WPA [1]
- Wi-Fi Alliance in 2003
- Temporoal Key Intergrity Protocol(TKIP)
- WPA-Personal/Enterprise
WPA2 [1]
- Released in 2004
- Counter Mode Cipher Block Chaining Message(CCMP)
WPA3 [1]
- 2018
- Simultaneous authentication of Equals(SAE)
- Device Provisioning Protocol (DPP) system
- Galois/Counter Mode Protocol
Open Authentication
- is a method from the first 802.11 standard without req pre-shared keys or credentials.
Extensible Authentiation Protocol(EAP)
Light EAP
- Allowing clients to re-auth
- Dynamic WEP keys
- Version of MS.Chap
EAP flexible authenticaion secure tunneling have 3 phases.
Wireless Security Measure