Revised Horizontal Flow for Threat Modeling Techniques


User => System => STRIDE Threats => (Spoofing=> Tampering=> Repudiation=> Information Disclosure=> 
                                     Denial of Service=> Elevation of Privilege)


Business Goals => Technical Scope => Application Design => Threat Analysis => Security Controls => Security Testing


Organizational Goals => Identify Assets/Vulnerabilities/Threats => Risk Analysis => Develop Risk Mitigation Strategies


Stakeholders => Identify Assets/Values => Identify Threats/Vulnerabilities => Threat Analysis => Risk Management/Mitigation

Tables for Integrity & Relationships

Table: Threat Modeling Techniques Comparison

STRIDEThreat categorizationIdentifies 6 types of potential threats
PASTARisk-centric analysisFocus on application lifecycle and architecture
OCTAVERisk managementEmphasis on asset and organizational goals
TRIKERisk quantificationEmphasizes stakeholder engagement and risk value

High-Level Relationship Model

This model outlines the relationships between the main components of threat modeling:

Assets => Vulnerabilities => Threats => Security Controls

Low-Level Relationship Model

This model provides more details about the components and their interconnections:

+------------------+                  +------------------+
|     Assets       |                  |     Threats      |
| (Data, Systems)  | <--------------> | (Types of Attacks)|
+------------------+                  +------------------+
          |                                     ^
          |                                     |
          |                                     |
          v                                     |
   +------------------+                  +------------------+
   |  Vulnerabilities  | <--------------> |   Threat Actions  |
   | (Weaknesses)     |                  | (Exploits)       |
   +------------------+                  +------------------+
          |                                     |
          |                                     |
          v                                     |
   +------------------+                  +------------------+
   | Security Controls | <--------------> |  Security Measures|
   | (Mitigations)    |                  | (Defense Mechanisms)|
   +------------------+                  +------------------+

Explanation of Models

  1. High-Level Relationship Model:

    • Assets represent the critical items that need protection (e.g., sensitive data).
    • Vulnerabilities are weaknesses in the system that could be exploited by threats.
    • Threats are potential events that could lead to harm or damage to the assets.
    • Security Controls are the measures put in place to mitigate the identified vulnerabilities that threats might exploit.
  2. Low-Level Relationship Model:

    • Provides a more detailed view of the interactions between components.
    • Involves stakeholders in identifying and evaluating assets and threats.
    • Links vulnerabilities with their potential threat actions (exploits) and connects security controls with specific security measures (like access control mechanisms) that can be employed to safeguard the assets effectively.

This structured approach ensures a clear, comprehensive understanding of the relationships, risks, and mitigation strategies within a threat modeling framework.