Let vs var vs const

TypeScript uses the const keyword, which was introduced in ES6, in order to accomplish this. Tip: It is best practice to use the let keyword to define variables and not to use the var keyword at all. By using let keyword, we are being more explicit about the intended use of these variables, which will help the compiler to pick up any mistakes in our code where these rules are broken.

readonly vs const

[Readonly difference from const](../types/readonly.md#readonly difference from const)

Strong Type vs Dynamic Type

JavaScript is not strongly typed. It is a language that is very dynamic, as it allows objects to change their types, properties, and behavior on the fly. TypeScript, however, is strongly typed and, as such, will enforce rules that govern how we use variables, functions, and objects.

TypeScript introduces a simple notation using the colon ( : ) symbol to indicate what type a variable should be.


// Declare a variable called index with a type of number and assign it the value 0
var index: number = 0;

// If index is equal to 0, create a new block scope with a new variable also called index, but with a type of number and value of 2, and log its value
if (index == 0) {
  var index: number = 2;
  console.log(`index = ${index}`);

// Log the value of index
console.log(`index = ${index}`);

> Output:

index = 2
index = 2


// Declare a variable called index with a type of number and assign it the value 0
let index: number = 0;

// If index is equal to 0, create a new block scope with a new variable also called index, but with a type of number and value of 2, and log its value
if (index == 0) {
  let index: number = 2;
  console.log(`index = ${index}`);

// Log the value of index
console.log(`index = ${index}`);

> Output:

index = 2
index = 0