Structural Typing

TypeScript is based on a structural type system. This means that the compatibility and equivalence of types are determined by the type’s actual structure or definition, rather than its name or place of declaration, as in nominative type systems like C# or C.

TypeScript’s structural type system was designed based on how JavaScript’s dynamic duck typing system works during runtime.

The following example is valid TypeScript code. As you can observe, “X” and “Y” have the same member “a,” even though they have different declaration names. The types are determined by their structures, and in this case, since the structures are the same, they are compatible and valid.

type X = {
    a: string;
type Y = {
    a: string;
const x: X = { a: 'a' };
const y: Y = x; // Valid


These simple rules also work in the presence of structuring (object literal creation). For example in the following case the type of foo is inferred to be {a:number, b:number}

let foo = {
    a: 123,
    b: 456
// foo.a = "hello"; // Would Error: cannot assign `string` to a `number`

Similarly for arrays:

const bar = [1,2,3];
// bar[0] = "hello"; // Would error: cannot assign `string` to a `number`

And of course any nesting:

let foo = {
    bar: [1, 3, 4]
//[0] = 'hello'; // Would error: cannot assign `string` to a `number`

Erased Structural Types

In TypeScript, objects do not have to match a specific, exact type. For instance, if we create an object that fulfills an interface’s requirements, we can utilize that object in places where that interface is required, even if there was no explicit connection between them. Example:

type NameProp1 = {
    prop1: string;

function log(x: NameProp1) {

const obj = {
    prop2: 123,
    prop1: 'Origin',

log(obj); // Valid