
TypeScript does not support multiple inheritance in the traditional sense and instead allows inheritance from a single base class. TypeScript supports multiple interfaces. An interface can define a contract for the structure of an object, and a class can implement multiple interfaces. This allows a class to inherit behavior and structure from multiple sources.

interface Flyable {
    fly(): void;

interface Swimmable {
    swim(): void;

class FlyingFish implements Flyable, Swimmable {
    fly() {

    swim() {

const flyingFish = new FlyingFish();;

Implements with Extends

// This is the BaseClass implementation that implements the IBase interface
// The `id` property is set to a default value of 0
class BaseClass implements IBase {
  id: number = 0;

// This is the DerivedFromBaseClass that extends the BaseClass
// and implements the IDerivedFromBase interface
// The `name` property is set to a default value of "nameString"
class DerivedFromBaseClass
  extends BaseClass
  implements IDerivedFromBase {
  name: string = "nameString";