Creating TypeScript node modules

Using modules written in TypeScript is super fun as you get great compile time safety and autocomplete (essentially executable documentation).

TypeScript modules can be consumed both in the nodejs (as is) browser (with something like webpack).

Creating a high quality TypeScript module is simple. Assume the following desired folder structure for your package:

├─ package.json
├─ tsconfig.json
├─ src
│  ├─ index.ts
│  ├─ foo.ts
│  └─ ...All your source files (Authored)
└─ lib
  ├─ index.d.ts
  ├─ index.js
  ├─ foo.d.ts
  ├─ foo.js
  └─ ... All your compiled files (Generated)
  • src/index.ts: Here you would export anything you expect to be consumed from your project. E.g export { Foo } from './foo';. Exporting from this file makes it available for consumption when someone does import { /* Here */ } from 'example';

  • In your tsconfig.json

    • have compilerOptions: "outDir": "lib" + "declaration": true + "declarationMap" : true < This generates .js (JavaScript) .d.ts (declarations for TypeSafety) and (enables declaration .d.ts => source .ts IDE navigation) in the lib folder.
    • have include: ["src"] < This includes all the files from the src dir.
  • In your package.json have

    • "main": "lib/index" < This tells to load lib/index.js for runtime code.
    • "types": "lib/index" < This tells TypeScript to load lib/index.d.ts for type checking.

Example package:

  • npm install typestyle for TypeStyle
  • Usage: import { style } from 'typestyle'; will be completely type safe.

Managing Dependencies


  • If your package depends on another package while you are developing it (e.g. prettier) you should install them as a devDependency. This way they will not pollute the node_modules of your module’s consumers (as npm i foo does not install devDependencies of foo).
  • typescript is normally a devDependency as you only use it to build your package. The consumers can use your package with or without TypeScript.
  • If your package depends on other JavaScript authored packages and you want to use it with type safety in your project, put their types (e.g. @types/foo) in devDependencies. JavaScript types should be managed out of bound from the main NPM streams. The JavaScript ecosystem breaks types without semantic versioning too commonly, so if your users need types for these they should install the @types/foo version that works for them. If you want to guide users to install these types you can put them in peerDependencies mentioned next.


If your package depends on a package that it heavily works with (as opposed to works using) e.g. react, put them in peerDependencies just like you would with raw JS packages. To test them locally you should also put them in devDependencies.


  • When you are developing the package you will get the version of the dependency you specified in your devDependencies.
  • When someone installs your package they will not get this dependency (as npm i foo does not install devDependencies of foo) but they will get a warning that they should install the missing peerDependencies of your package.


If your package wraps another package (meant for internal use even after compilation) you should put them in dependencies. Now when someone installs your package they will get your package + any of its dependencies.