Declaration file
A declaration file is a special type of file used by the TypeScript compiler. It is only used during the compilation step and is used as a sort of reference file to describe JavaScript. Declaration files are similar to the header files used in C or C++ or the interfaces used in Java. They simply describe the structure of available functions and properties but do not provide an implementation.
The purpose of a declaration file is to tell the TypeScript compiler ahead of time what the structure of a JavaScript library looks like. We have seen that we can use all of the TypeScript keywords and language features within a declaration file.
You can tell TypeScript that you are trying to describe code that exists elsewhere (e.g. written in JavaScript/CoffeeScript/The runtime environment like the browser or Node.js) using the declare
keyword. As a quick example:
foo = 123; // Error: `foo` is not defined
declare var foo: any;
foo = 123; // allowed
The first thing to note about this code is that we have used the TypeScript keyword declare. The declare keyword tells the compiler that we want to define something but that the implementation of this object (or variable or function) will be resolved at runtime.
You have the option of putting these declarations in a .ts
file or in a .d.ts
file. We highly recommend that in your real world projects you use a separate .d.ts
(start with one called something like global.d.ts
or vendor.d.ts
If a file has the extension .d.ts
then each root level definition must have the declare
keyword prefixed to it. This helps make it clear to the author that there will be no code emitted by TypeScript. The author needs to ensure that the declared item will exist at runtime.
Ambient declarations is a promise that you are making with the compiler. If these do not exist at runtime and you try to use them, things will break without warning. Ambient declarations are like docs. If the source changes the docs need to be kept updated. So you might have new behaviours that work at runtime but no one’s updated the ambient declaration and hence you get compiler errors.
Auto-generating declaration type files The declaration option of file tsconfig