The billion-dollar mistake
The expression comes from Thomas Hoare, a famous and influential computer scientist who introduced null references to ALGOL in 1965. Many years later he admitted that it was a mistake, as it resulted in “innumerable errors, vulnerabilities, and system crashes, which have probably caused a billion dollars of pain and damage in the last forty years.”
What does it mean in the context of JavaScript and TypeScript?
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'foo' of undefined
Are you familiar with this error message? I bet you are. It occurs whenever you’re trying to access a property or method of an object that you think is present, but turns out to not be there.
There are two ways of representing empty values in JavaScript - null and undefined. This kind of error can occur in both cases. strictNullChecks enables you to detect such mistakes at compile-time. It is an invaluable help and, when done properly, can lead to the complete eradication of this class of runtime bugs.
It allows us to assign anything to the variable of type any. TypeScript introduces the any type for such occasions. Specifying that an object has a type of any will, in essence, remove the TypeScript strict type checking.
The following TypeScript code shows how to use the any type to mimic our original JavaScript code, as follows:
// Declare a variable called item1 with a type of any and assign to it an object literal that has properties id and name
var item1: any = { id: 1, name: "item1" }
// Assign a new object literal to item1 with only an id property
item1 = { id: 2 };
TypeScript introduces the :any type for such occasions. Specifying that an object has a type of any will, in essence, remove the TypeScript strict type checking. Used for backward compatibility with JavaScript. In short, avoid the any type at any cost.
The any data type represents literally “any” value, it is the default value when TypeScript cannot infer the type or is not specified.
When using any TypeScript compiler skips the type checking so there is no type safety when any is being used. Generally do not use any
to silence the compiler when an error occurs, instead focus on fixing the error as with using any it is possible to break contracts and we lose the benefits of TypeScript autocomplete.
The any type could be useful during a gradual migration from JavaScript to TypeScript, as it can silence the compiler.
For new projects use TypeScript configuration noImplicitAny which enables TypeScript to issue errors where any is used or inferred.
The anytype is usually a source of errors which can mask real problems with your types. Avoid using it as much as possible.
The any
type is a special type (universal supertype) that can be used to represent any type of value (primitives, objects, arrays, functions, errors, symbols). It is often used in situations where the type of a value is not known at compile time, or when working with values from external APIs or libraries that do not have TypeScript typings.
By utilizing any
type, you are indicating to the TypeScript compiler that values should be represented without any limitations. In order to maximizing type safety in your code consider the following:
Limit the usage of
to specific cases where the type is truly unknown. -
Do not return
types from a function as you will lose type safety in the code using that function weakening your type safety. -
Instead of
if you need to silence the compiler.
The any
type holds a special place in the TypeScript type system. It gives you an escape hatch from the type system to tell the compiler to bugger off. any
is compatible with any and all types in the type system. This means that anything can be assigned to it and it can be assigned to anything. This is demonstrated in the example below:
var power: any;
// Takes any and all types
power = '123';
power = 123;
// Is compatible with all types
var num: number;
power = num;
num = power;
If you are porting JavaScript code to TypeScript, you are going to be close friends with any
in the beginning. However, don’t take this friendship too seriously as it means that it is up to you to ensure the type safety. You are basically telling the compiler to not do any meaningful static analysis.
let value: any;
value = true; // Valid
value = 7; // Valid
Unknown type
In TypeScript, the unknown
type represents a value that is of an unknown type. Unlike any
type, which allows for any type of value, unknown
requires a type check or assertion before it can be used in a specific way so no operations are permitted on an unknown
without first asserting or narrowing to a more specific type.
// Declare a variable of type any with a string value
let a: any = "test";
// Declare a variable of type number with a number value
let aNumber: number = 2;
// Attempt to assign a value of type any to a variable of type number
aNumber = a; // Ok
// Declare a variable of type unknown with a string value
let u: unknown = "an unknown";
// Assign a number value to the unknown type variable
u = 1;
// Declare a variable of type number
let aNumber2: number;
// Assign the value of the unknown type variable to a number type variable
aNumber2 = u; // Skip. Not Ok
aNumber2 = <number>u; // Ok
const isString = (value: unknown): value is string => typeof value === 'string';
type Options = {
[prop: string]: unknown;
a?: string;
b?: string;
const fn = (options: Options) => undefined;
fn({ c: 'c' }); // Valid
using unknown as a double assertion type
function handler(event: Event) {
let element = event as unknown as HTMLElement; // Okay, fix compiler complain!
The unknown
type is only assignable to any type and the unknown
type itself, it is a type-safe alternative to any
let value: unknown;
let value1: unknown = value; // Valid
let value2: any = value; // Valid
let value3: boolean = value; // Invalid
let value4: number = value; // Invalid
const add = (a: unknown, b: unknown): number | undefined =>
typeof a === 'number' && typeof b === 'number' ? a + b : undefined;
console.log(add(1, 2)); // 3
console.log(add('x', 2)); // undefined
When trying to get rid of the any instances from your codebase, you might run into situations where you actually have no way of knowing the type of some value. This is especially true when the value is “external”, meaning it’s returned by a backend endpoint or is deserialized from local storage. In such cases, it’s a good idea to type such value as unknown instead of any.
interface Article {
title: string;
body: string;
.then(response => response.json())
.then((body: unknown) => {
const article = body as Article;
// we need to cast, otherwise we'd get an error
any vs unknown
Both are equally unsafe as far as TypeScript is concerned. Use what makes you happy. Considerations: The difference between the two, however, is that a variable of type unknown can’t be assigned to a known type without explicit casting.
- Linters prefer unknown (with no-explicit-any rule)
- any is less characters to type than unknown
type, which allows for any type of value,unknown
requires a type check or assertion before it can be used in a specific way
and undefined
How they are treated by the type system depends on the strictNullChecks
compiler flag (we cover this flag later). When in strictNullCheck:false
, the null
and undefined
JavaScript literals are effectively treated by the type system the same as something of type any
. These literals can be assigned to any other type. This is demonstrated in the below example:
var num: number;
var str: string;
// These literals can be assigned to anything
num = null;
str = undefined;
let array = ["123", "456", "789"]; // Initialize an array with 3 elements, "123", "456", and "789"
delete array[0]; // delete the element at index 0 of the array, in this case "123". Using delete leaves a hole in the index and can cause unexpected behavior in many situations.
// Use a for loop to iterate over the array
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
checkAndPrintElement(array[i]); // call the checkAndPrintElement function with the current element of the array as a parameter
// checkAndPrintElement function
function checkAndPrintElement(arrElement: string | undefined) {
// check if the passed element is undefined
if (arrElement === undefined) {
console.log(`invalid array element`); // If the element is undefined, log the message "invalid array element"
} else {
console.log(`valid array element : ${arrElement}`); // Else if the element is defined, log the message "valid array element: " and the element
> Output:
:invalid array element
valid array element : 456
valid array element : 789
return validity checking by undefined
Don’t use return
as a means of denoting validity
For example an awful function like this:
function toInt(str: string) {
return str ? parseInt(str) : undefined;
can be much better written like this:
function toInt(str: string): { valid: boolean, int?: number } {
const int = parseInt(str);
if (isNaN(int)) {
return { valid: false };
else {
return { valid: true, int };
Limit explicit use of ‘undefined’
Because TypeScript gives you the opportunity to document your structures separately from values instead of stuff like:
function foo(){
// if Something
return {a:1,b:2};
// else
return {a:1,b:undefined};//Valid
you should use a type annotation:
function foo():{a:number,b?:number}{
// if Something
return {a:1,b:2};
// else
return {a:1};//Valid
JSON and serialization
The JSON standard has support for encoding null
but not undefined
. When JSON-encoding an object with an attribute that is null
, the attribute will be included with its null value, whereas an attribute with an undefined
value will be excluded entirely.
JSON.stringify({willStay: null, willBeGone: undefined}); // {"willStay":null}
As a result, JSON-based databases may support null
values but not undefined
values. Since attributes set to null
are encoded, you can transmit the intent to clear an attribute by setting its value to null
before encoding and transmitting the object to a remote store.
Setting attribute values to undefined can save on storage and transmission costs, as the attribute names will not be encoded. However, this can complicate the semantics of clearing values vs. absent values.
Along with undefined, JavaScript also allows values to be set to null. Setting a value to null is intended to indicate that the variable is known but has no value, as opposed to undefined, where the variable has not been defined in the current scope. undefined is often seen as something that happens automatically or by default.
// function that takes a parameter of type `number` or `null`
function printValues(a: number | null) {
console.log(`a = ${a}`); // log the value of a
printValues(1); // call the function with a number value of 1
printValues(null); // call the function with a null value
> Output:
:a = 1
a = null
Null and Undefined
JavaScript (and by extension TypeScript) has two bottom types : null
and undefined
. They are intended to mean different things:
Something hasn’t been initialized :
. -
Something is currently unavailable:
// Both null and undefined are only `==` to themselves and each other:
console.log(null == null); // true (of course)
console.log(undefined == undefined); // true (of course)
console.log(null == undefined); // true
// You don't have to worry about falsy values making through this check
console.log(0 == undefined); // false
console.log('' == undefined); // false
console.log(false == undefined); // false
Recommend == null
to check for both undefined
or null
. You generally don’t want to make a distinction between the two.
function foo(arg: string | null | undefined) {
if (arg != null) {
// arg must be a string as `!=` rules out both null and undefined.
Remember how I said you should use == null
? Of course you do (cause I just said it ^). Don’t use it for root level things. In strict mode if you use foo
and foo
is undefined you get a ReferenceError
exception and the whole call stack unwinds.
You should use strict mode … and in fact the TS compiler will insert it for you if you use modules … more on those later in the book so you don’t have to be explicit about it :)
So to check if a variable is defined or not at a global level you normally use typeof
if (typeof someglobal !== 'undefined') {
// someglobal is now safe to use
Nullish coalescing
In general, it is a good idea to check that a particular variable is not either null or undefined before using it, as this can lead to errors.
function nullishCheck(a: number | undefined | null) {
// Check if the passed variable 'a' is either undefined or null
// If it is, then print 'undefined or null'
// Else print the value of 'a'
console.log(`a : ${a ?? `undefined or null`}`);
// Call the function with a number
// Call the function with null
// Call the function with undefined
null and undefined with strictNullChecks
TypeScript is smart enough to rule out both null
and undefined
with a == null
/ != null
check. For example:
function foo(a?: number | null) {
if (a == null) return;
// a is number now.
Never type
The never
type represents values that never occur. It is used to denote functions or expressions that never return or throw an error. This type is used to indicate instances where something should never occur. Even though this may sound confusing, we can often write code where this occurs.
never vs null
The never
type is used to ensure that the default case is exhaustive and that TypeScript will raise an error if a new value is added to the Direction type without being handled in the switch statement.
Never use-cases
For instance an infinite loop:
const infiniteLoop = (): never => {
while (true) {
// do something
Throwing an error:
const throwError = (message: string): never => {
throw new Error(message);
The never type is used in TypeScript to denote this bottom type. Cases when it occurs naturally:
- A function never returns (e.g. if the function body has while(true){})
- A function always throws (e.g. in function foo(){throw new Error(‘Not Implemented’)} the return type of foo is never)
let foo: never = 123; // Error: Type number is not assignable to never
// Okay as the function's return type is `never`
let bar: never = (() => { throw new Error(`Throw my hands in the air like I just don't care`) })();
And because never
is only assignable to another never
you can use it for compile time exhaustive checks as well.
The never
type is useful in ensuring type safety and catching potential errors in your code. It helps TypeScript analyze and infer more precise types when used in combination with other types and control flow statements, for instance:
type Direction = 'up' | 'down';
const move = (direction: Direction): void => {
switch (direction) {
case 'up':
// move up
case 'down':
// move down
const exhaustiveCheck: never = direction;
throw new Error(`Unhandled direction: ${exhaustiveCheck}`);
When a variable is narrowed to a type that cannot contain any values, the TypeScript compiler will infer that the variable must be of the never
type. This is because The never Type represents a value that can never be produced.
const printValue = (val: string | number) => {
if (typeof val === 'string') {
} else if (typeof val === 'number') {
} else {
// val has type never here because it can never be anything other than a string or a number
const neverVal: never = val;
console.log(`Unexpected value: ${neverVal}`);
Exhaustiveness checking
Exhaustiveness checking is a feature in TypeScript that ensures all possible cases of a discriminated union are handled in a switch
statement or an if
type Direction = 'up' | 'down';
const move = (direction: Direction) => {
switch (direction) {
case 'up':
console.log('Moving up');
case 'down':
console.log('Moving down');
const exhaustiveCheck: never = direction;
console.log(exhaustiveCheck); // This line will never be executed
Use :void
to signify that a function does not have a return type:
function log(message): void {
As soon as someone tells you that never is returned when a function never exits gracefully you intuitively want to think of it as the same as void. However, void is a Unit. never is a falsum.
A function that returns nothing returns a Unit void. However, a function that never returns (or always throws) returns never. void is something that can be assigned (without strictNullChecking) but never can never be assigned to anything other than never.
// Inferred return type: void
function failDeclaration(message: string) {
throw new Error(message);
// Inferred return type: never
const failExpression = function(message: string) {
throw new Error(message);
Final thoughts
TypeScript team doesn’t use null
: TypeScript coding guidelines and it hasn’t caused any problems. Douglas Crockford thinks null
is a bad idea and we should all just use undefined
However, NodeJS style code bases uses null
for Error arguments as standard as it denotes Something is currently unavailable
. I personally don’t care to distinguish between the two as most projects use libraries with differing opinions and just rule out both with == null